1-2-3 Magic Seminar

In many American households, Mom’s supervision, direction, and monitoring are seen as constantly essential for a smooth running home. The resulting Manager Mom Syndrome impairs family warmth, violates the Equal Suffering Law, and squashes children’s supposedly growing independence.

This seminar presents simple tools that can help Moms escape the Manager Mom trap.

Participants will learn:

  • What factors cause Mom to become the Family President, Chief Servant, and First Responder?

  • How Moms can engineer effective responsibility transfers involving childcare and household tasks, such as cooking, laundry, shopping and cleaning.

  • How to manage difficult, traditionalist dads and lethargic teens, and how to expedite responsibility handoffs.

  • How Mom’s maternal identity—or Mommy ID—needs to be challenged in order for life-changing transformations to occur.

Presented by clinical psychologist Dr. Thomas W. Phelan, author of the best-selling and award-winning 1-2-3 Magic discipline program.

Click here to RSVP on Facebook >>
Call (630) 469-0484

*Admission is $10 a person, payable at the door (cash or check)

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