The 8 Destructive Parenting Myths

October 29, 2020
The 8 Destructive Parenting Myths

When you (or your partner) are first expecting, there are all kind of things you think parenting will be. Some of those things are true, but many of them are not. They’re parenting myths.

The myths you believe about parenting can be destructive and can actually make it much harder to adjust to life as a parent. Even if you’re already a parent, some of these myths could be affecting you and your family.

This week we’re talking about the eight most destructive myths parents believe, and how to adjust your mindset.

  1. An adorable little baby will bring us closer together as a couple
  2. Mom and Dad will share equally in primary and secondary childcare as well as housework
  3. My child will respond right away to calm and reasonable logic
  4. Parenting will come naturally. I will immediately bond with my child, and the kids will be fun and cute
  5. Siblings’ love for each other will match parental love
  6. Mutual anger in a family is bad, it’s a sign that something is wrong
  7. My freedom to move about the country will be the same (Hidden Myth) 
  8. I will never feel sad or depressed about having children
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