1-2-3 Magic: Simple, Friendly, Effective Child Discipline

America’s Simplest Parenting Program™

The 1-2-3 Magic Program continues to offer parents, pediatricians, mental health professionals, grandparents, teachers and even babysitters a simple and gentle-but-firm approach to managing the behavior of 2 to 12-year-olds, whether they are average kids or special-needs children. With over 1.8 million copies sold and translated into over twenty languages,1-2-3 Magic has consistently been the #1 child-discipline book on Amazon.com.

1-2-3 Magic Parenting’s Programs also include the popular 1-2-3 Magic Teen and All About ADHD. Since 1984, Dr. Phelan has spoken to hundreds of thousands of parents and professionals. He continues with a full schedule of parenting seminars today.

How to Start Using 1-2-3 Magic in Your House

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“1-2-3 Magic Made Parenting Fun Again.”

1-2-3 Magic allows you to get back in charge of your home and enjoy your kids again by helping you set limits for your children, and by breaking down the complex task of parenting into three straightforward steps:

1. Controlling Obnoxious Behavior: Learn an amazingly simple technique to get the kids to STOP doing what you don’t want them to do (whining, arguing, tantrums, etc.).

2. Encouraging Good Behavior: Learn several effective methods to get your kids to START doing what you want them to do (picking up, eating, going to bed−and staying there, etc.)

3. Strengthening Your Relationships: Learn powerful techniques that reinforce the bond between you and your children.

Parent Praise for 1-2-3 Magic


“I highly recommend this book to any parent who is spending more time yelling at or nagging their children than smiling and laughing with them.”
“All I have to say is that the ideas in this book really WORK! It really is like magic!
“It’s such a relief to not feel like I’m constantly yelling at someone! If you want to see a fast improvement in your child’s behaviour, check out 1-2-3 Magic.

Read More Reviews »

About Dr. Tom Phelan

Tom Phelan, PhDA registered clinical psychologist, Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. has worked with children, adults and families for over 35 years. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Illinois Psychological Association. In addition to writing and producing, Dr. Phelan maintains an active schedule of international lectures, and is a frequent guest on radio and television. His articles appear in numerous regional and national publications. Dr. Phelan received his Doctorate from Loyola University Chicago in 1970 after completing his internship at the Loyola Child Guidance Center. He worked at the DuPage County Mental Health Center until 1972 and then entered private practice. He has also served on the boards of directors for both ADDA and CHADD, two national organizations for the parents of children with ADD/ADHD. He was inducted into the CHADD Hall of Fame in 1997.

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